National Anti-Financial Crime Centre (NFCC)
Levels 5 & 6, Block 1 Menara Seri Wilayah Jalan P2a Precinct 2 62100 Putrajaya
Phone: (03) 8861 3830
- Tarikh Kemaskini: Thursday 06 March 2025, 08:45:17.
Beijing, 26 September - GlobE Network continued on the third day with the next agenda, which is the first session voting for the selection of committees such as Chairman, Deputy Chairman and GlobE Network Steering Committee members for the next term. Before this voting session took place, the Director General of the NFCC, YBhg Dato' Sri Shamshun Baharin bin Mohd Jamil met with the leaders and representatives of the delegation from the competing countries to express full support for their desire to become the GlobE Network Steering Committee. For information, the countries of Saudi Arabia and Brazil have been voted without contesting as Chairman (Saudi Arabia) and Deputy Chairman (Brazil) of the GlobE Network Steering Committee for the next term.
This third day session also held a discussion forum on the title Joint Investigative Team (JIT) which discussed the functionality of the JIT as a tool to deal with corruption cases and the assistance available from organizations in different countries to strengthen and operate the JIT.
In the afternoon, continue with the second voting session for the election of the GlobE Network Committee for the next term. Malaysia, represented by YBhg Dato' Shamshun Baharin bin Mohd Jamil has conducted voting to select the countries that can carry out the responsibilities as the new GlobE Network committee.
After that, a bilateral meeting between the Malaysian delegation led by the Director General of the NFCC and the Director General of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of Madagascar, Mamitiana Rajaonarison. At this meeting, the two countries have shared about the functions and roles of their respective organizations in addition to offering help with the necessary training in financial intelligence.
Beijing, 25 September - The GlobE Network continued on its second day with the presentation and approval of the activity report in 2023 by the UNODC GlobE Network Secretariat. The GlobE Secretariat has also presented the 2024 work plan and the GlobE Network Strategy Plan 2025-2027. The presentation session also continued with panels from GlobE Network friends and observers namely Qais Hamdan Al-Aamri, Cyber Crime Expert, Gulf Cooperation Council Police (GCCPOL), Marco Fandino Castro, Chief Coordinator of the Conference of Ministries of Justice of the Ibero-American Countries (COMJIB), Roger Koranteng, Head of Public Sector Governance, The Commonwealth Secretariat, and Danny Woo, President of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA). These panels have shared with GlobE Network 2024 participants regarding the efforts, implementation, and planning of their respective entities in dealing with issues of corruption and abuse of power around the world.
In addition to that, a meeting between the Central Bureau of Investigation, India (CBI) together with NFCC and SPRM has been arranged to discuss cooperation and exchange of information between the agencies in terms of operations and data sharing. The Indian delegation was led by Vijayendra Bidari, Joint Director CBI, and Malaysia was led by YBhg Dato' Sri Shamshun Baharin bin Mohd Jamil.
Beijing, 24 September - Ketua Pengarah NFCC, YBhg Dato' Sri Shamshun Baharin bin Mohd Jamil, bersama pegawai NFCC, telah menghadiri Fifth Plenary Meeting of the Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities (GlobE Network), yang berlangsung pada 24 September 2024 hingga 27 September 2024 di Beijing, China, anjuran United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) bersama National Commission of Supervision of China.
Pertemuan empat hari ini telah dimulakan dengan sesi pembukaan oleh Mr. John Brandolino,Director, Division for Treaty Affairs UNODC. Pada hari pertama ini juga, turut diadakan forum peringkat tertinggi yang menampilkan wakil daripada agensi pencegahan rasuah, penguatkuasa dan pengamal undang-undang dari seluruh dunia yang berucap serta berkongsikan berkenaan usaha dan pelaksanaan pencegahan rasuah di Negara masing-masing. Dianggarkan seramai 500 orang peserta daripada seluruh Negara telah menghadiri mesyuarat GlobE pada kali ini.
Untuk makluman, satu pertemuan juga telah diadakan bersama pegawai NFCC dan SPRM dengan Mrs. Slagjana Taseva, Dekan dari Akademi Anti-Rasuah Antarabangsa (IACA) dan Mr. Eduard Ivanov, Penyelidik Kanan dari IACA, yang membincangkan mengenai usaha pencegahan dan pendidikan berkaitan rasuah, jenayah kewangan, dan pengurusan aset yang boleh ditawarkan sebagai pembelajaran kursus di IACA.
National Anti-Financial Crime Centre (NFCC)
Levels 5 & 6, Block 1 Menara Seri Wilayah Jalan P2a Precinct 2 62100 Putrajaya
Phone: (03) 8861 3830